Plain and simple: the book is about God. And the second part of the book is about ontology, the philosophy of the nature of existence. 

I should stress, this is all naturalistic. There is no supernatural element to any of this. This is done to find the most rational answers, and here's what I've found after years of thinking.

I was raised into Catholicism, having an atheist phase at 15 and since then I have discovered a proof for God's existence.  It was all a very painful road of introspection and reflection. I have been to mental health facilities, I have had an insanely bad trip that lasted two weeks, I've had kidney stones, I've had people close to me commit suicide, and worst of all, I've had to deal with my own laziness. I am a very lazy person. 

The book is very very short, it's more of a pamphlet. At 1500 words, it's only 3 pages or so fully typed. But I have been working on this pamphlet for years and years, writing and re-writing. My goal was to have something left over if I die suddenly and are not able to get the rest of my ideas out. These are my most important ideas.

Updated 6 days ago
Published 18 days ago
Tagsgod, metaphysics, Mystery, philosophy, theology

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